
Temat: Czytelnictwo  Czy czytanie ma znaczenie? Czy lektury zmieniły się na przestrzeni czasu? Co ma wspólnego nauka o emocjach z czytaniem?  Na te i inne pytania odpowiada Nicole Cieplik w audycji radia Nowy Świat!  Zapraszamy do odsłuchania:     

We welcome the new school year on Radio Nowy Świat with a conversation with Michal Porycki on the emotional preparedness of Children, Parents and Teachers. We also talk about authority, boundaries and common sense - everything we like best. We invite you to listen in:     

Jak przygotować się do przedszkola/szkoły? Jak powinna przebiegać adaptacja? Na czym skupić się przy kompletowaniu wyprawki? O tym i innych trudnych kwestiach dotyczących początku roku szkolnego rozmawiamy z Agnieszką Grom – pedagogiem, terapeutą pedagogicznym trenerem umiejętności społecznych. Zapraszamy do odsłuchu!   ➡️LINK   

Po co zapisujemy Dzieci do przedszkola/szkoły? Czy wynika to tylko z wygody Rodziców? Czy każde Dziecko i każdy Rodzic nadaje się do współpracy z placówką zorganizowaną? I jak wybrać to najwłaściwsze miejsce? Na te i inne pytania staramy się odpowiedzieć w rozmowie z Żanetą Szczerbą – psychologiem, psychoterapeutą poznawczo-behawioralnym w …

 "The study of the development of children's sexuality is one of the most recent areas to be addressed by science. As a separate field, it has only existed for a century, and the first attention to its great importance was drawn by Sigmund Freund - the father of psychoanalysis. His work, however, did not involve therapy of the youngest, but was based solely on theoretical knowledge. ...

They're writing about us again! Mokotów - what? where? when? thank you for the award! If you are still looking for the right place for your child, we invite you to participate in the recruitment process for Niedźwiadkowo! We still have free dates for the start of school in September! Pictured here are none other than our Niedźwiadki - Zoja, Patrycja and ...

April is World Autism Awareness Month, but also mental health in general. Thanks to the support of our Parents - Mrs Emilia, Julitka's mum, who works as a psychiatrist on a daily basis, we were able to gather the most important information on intervention psychiatric support for Families. Persons in need or who have in their ...

We would like to invite you to read our next article published in the magazine "Good Mom". 📰This time we cover the topic of alternative education, by Ms Agnieszka Grom. 🏫 Enjoy your reading! ➡️ LINK    

The progression of education towards a more practical and life-oriented approach is one of the greatest achievements of the modern age! It is wonderful to be part of such a complex change, which is certainly needed. Probably many people are wondering... Is it true that this form of learning makes Children more independent? What skills are taught to Children differently? Why ...

Our 2nd birthday! We started the day by playing together, which helped to create a happy and carefree atmosphere. We also had a special visit from Donald Duck himself. Our joyful friend provided us with lots of fun and movement. At the end, we sang a loud STO YEARS and went for a delicious cake. It was healthy, fruity and colourful...

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