Christmas Presenter by Niedźwiadkowo

The most magical time of the year has just come. Traditionally, on the Internet you can find a number of articles, with proposals for various Christmas gifts for everyone.

Below we present a subjective /Presenter by Niedźwiadkowo/ with the conviction that these gifts are universal, for children of all ages and in everyone, without exception they will bring a smile to their faces! 😀

So what? Start!

TIME Apparently, everyone has the same amount of it, we have a number of possibilities, solutions and facilities every day that are to support us in the hardships of everyday life, and yet we still do not have time ... on NOTHING. Given to a child, it becomes the greatest value in his life. One moment with Mom and Dad is worth more than the most expensive toys available on store shelves. Let's try to save ONLY 30 minutes a day for the Child. Let's try to save ONLY 30 minutes a day for the Child. In this compartment we are ONLY WITH HIM and ONLY FOR HIM. We guarantee that you will not need teaching aids! 😉

A TWINKLE IN THE PARENT'S EYE What's going on? For your attention. For an observation. For interest. Only so much and so much. The child dreams of the Parent looking in His direction. He had a twinkle in his eye as he looked at the (another!) scribbled piece of paper depicting the "work" of the Little Artist. The squeak and delight caused by the preparation of tea for dolls is the most wonderful way to value and build the internal security of every child – so necessary elements for proper development. Therefore, if your toddler approaches you while browsing Facebook or charging the washing machine, look up and BE DELIGHTED... your own Child!

PATIENCE For the third time this week, are you cleaning a wall blurred with felt-tip pens? Did you step on the LEGO brick again, walking towards the crying crib at night? Or maybe a moment after putting the Child to sleep, the neighbors' dog decided that something did not suit him and began to bark at the whole estate? Yes, we know that. We know perfectly well how much effort it costs to fight for survival every day when you have a Little Man in your home. Patience can be practiced and it is worth doing. When everyone is "no," try to be "yes" – especially with regard to the Bear. You will then show that you do not have to react aggressively, that you can get along and even if something does not go our way – we have OURSELVES 🙂

SUPPORT Imperfect periodic assessment, poorly done homework, uncleaned room and eternal screaming. These are just four examples of "standard" reasons that at least make every parent unhappy. Meanwhile, behind them lies the need for SUPPORT, LISTENING AND A GRACIOUS LOOK. No criticism, no demands or ambitions. Accepting things as they are. Hugs, comfort and optimism. So often overlooked in everyday life, and so necessary to create proper relationships in the family.

PRESENCE A very fashionable term has recently become /mindfullness/. Being here and now. Not looking to the future and not reflecting on the past. Celebration of reality. Enjoy everything, taste, observe and enjoy. Let's try to implement it in the routine of being with the child. Suddenly, it may turn out that life is just... BEAUTIFUL 🙂

Fantastic preparations for the upcoming Christmas!


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