Subscription form

Class start date

Information about the child

Information about guardians

Information about siblings

Additional information

  • Class start date
  • Information about the child
  • Dane opiekuna
  • Information about siblings
  • Additional information

Select the month from which you want to enroll your child

Start month


Child details

The child's name

The child's surname


Date of birth

Place of birth


Native language

Other languages spoken by the child and the level of their knowledge

Previous school

Dane opiekuna

First name and last name

E-mail address

Phone number



Languages he speaks and the level of their knowledge

Information about guardians

Do the parents live together?

Does either parent have limited rights?

If so, which one?

Data of the first sibling


Date of birth


The school he attends

Data of the second sibling


Date of birth


The school he attends

Data of the third sibling


Date of birth


The school he attends

Data of the fourth sibling


Date of birth


The school he attends

Special needs of the child

If your child needs additional support, please provide details

Does the child suffer from any underlying disease? If so, please provide details

Choosing our school

What elements of our offer were the most important for you

How did you find us?

If you found us on Google, please provide information according to which keywords

By submitting the form, you consent to the processing of the above data. At the same time, you acknowledge that you have been informed that the provision of these data is not mandatory, but necessary to process the application. If you do not agree to the processing of your data, please do not send the form.